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Read This if You Want To BOOST Your Metabolism

Are you trying to boost your metabolism so you can lose weight and reverse your prediabetes? If so, here are 5 key things you need to do to boost your metabolism:⁠

🔥STOP dieting.⁠

Avoid short-term, quick-fix weight loss plans – when you lose weight you don’t just lose fat, you lose lean body mass too, and this lowers your metabolism so when you stop the diet you actually gain weight eating the same way you did before. Avoid weight loss plans where you are losing more than 2 pounds a week to minimize the amount of muscle you lose. ⁠

🔥Exercise regularly but avoid over-training.⁠

Over-training, especially without adequate protein and calories, can cause your body to break down your muscle to use as fuel during your workout⁠

🔥Use resistance training to increase your muscle mass.⁠

Resistance training can build your muscle, and your muscle mass is key to burning calories even when you aren’t working out. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is. ⁠

🔥Get enough protein (and calories).⁠

You have to eat enough to allow your body to refuel, recover, and build muscle from your workouts. ⁠

🔥Add low-intensity exercise (walking, etc) often.⁠

Low-intensity exercise helps you burn calories and boosts your metabolism without putting too much strain on your body. ⁠

Our clients have used these strategies to lose weight and balance their blood sugars. Unlike most diet programs, we don’t give you a short-term plan. Holly is a registered dietitian and national board certified health and wellness coach and Kyle is a certified strength and conditioning coach, and together we will help you create a healthy life, not a quick-fix diet. If you’d like get started with boosting your metabolism and reversing your prediabetes, schedule a FREE strategy session today.

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