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What Is Your MINDSET?

As you start making changes to reverse your prediabetes, what is your mindset?

You may be thinking “why would I be thinking about my mindset, I need to focus on choosing the best diet”, but picking the best diet may not be where you need to be putting your mental energy. ⁠

If instead of focusing on being perfect, sticking to that rigid diet, avoiding all foods that don’t fit, and measuring everything you eat, what if you focused on making small improvements over time? ⁠

And what if you were a little bit more honest with yourself that change is tough, and that it’s okay if you didn’t hit 100% on all of your plans – as long as you made some improvements, learned from what went wrong, or got back on track instead of giving up. You don’t have to be “on a diet” or “off a diet”, you can be working on making improvements over time. ⁠

In my program, I will teach you about healthy ways to eat, and our personal trainer will give you some manageable workout plans. But those aren’t the key to our clients’ success – the key is working with them on their mindset. ⁠

Many people love to start their sentences with “I wasn’t perfect” but once they are working with us, I no longer hear our clients saying “so I quit”. Instead, I hear our clients changing their tune to say “I wasn’t perfect…but I’m feeling so much better” or “I didn’t do perfect, but instead of being off track for the whole day or the whole week, I got back on track for my next meal” or “I wasn’t perfect, but I’m learning I need to do some meal planning before I’m hungry.”⁠

If you’d like to make improvements without having to be perfect, apply for a FREE strategy session with me to learn more.

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