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Struggling to get Your Blood Sugars or Your Weight Down? 5 Things That May Be Standing In Your Way

Does it feel like you are doing all the right things, but you aren’t seeing the results in your fasting blood sugars, your A1C, or your weight? Here are 5 things that might be standing in your way:⁠

✨ Eating for Reasons Other Than Actual Hunger:⁠

If you are eating because you are bored, tired or stressed, it can get in the way of your goals. It doesn’t mean you can’t honor those feelings – but rather than reaching for a snack, think about what you can do to address your actual needs rather than just distracting yourself with food. ⁠

✨ Falling Into the Variety Trap (Moderation in Excess):⁠

It’s absolutely fine to enjoy a treat, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can never eat a chocolate chip cookie if you have prediabetes. But if your idea of moderation sounds like “yesterday I had a bowl of ice cream, which I rarely have”, “today I had several cookies, but I don’t eat cookies very often”, and “tomorrow I’m getting a burger, fries, and a shake, but I only do this once a month”, then you might need to think about how to manage the variety of treats out there. ⁠

✨ Not Eating Balanced Meals When You Are Hungry – Then Getting Overly Hungry and Eating Whatever is Around:⁠

If your meals aren’t balanced – if they don’t have protein, fat, and fiber – then you may be getting a blood sugar spike and drop. And when that drop happens it could be making you feel very hungry without much warning – so your next meal or snack may be more of a “what can I eat now” option rather than an intentional choice. ⁠

✨ Not Incorporating Exercise ⁠

Exercise helps to improve your insulin sensitivity and helps you maintain and improve muscle mass (and your metabolism). ⁠

✨ Rewarding Yourself with Treat Foods⁠

If every time you do something good, you reward yourself with food, you may be standing in your own way. If your rewards sound like “I went for a walk today so I’m having a chocolate bar” or “I had a healthy dinner tonight so I’m having a big bowl of ice cream for dessert”, it might be what’s keeping your A1C and your scale from budging. ⁠

💠Want more help to reverse your prediabetes? I offer FREE strategy sessions - apply here on my website to take the first step toward getting your A1C under 5.7 and your fasting blood sugars under 100.

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